Transcendous Life


10-15 minutes in the morning, but participants who work up to 20-25 minutes get exponentially greater benefits. And then 5-10 minutes in the evening. Powerful change does not require a lot of time, it requires small, consistent effort.

Not only will you retain access to all of the resources and tools you learn about and use during your initial 40 Day program experience, but more importantly you will be able to join additional waves. Each time you experience the program in a new wave, you can learn things at a deeper level, see things with new eyes, and apply the program to a new area of your life. For example, the first time through you may focus on general personal empowerment and vision, and the second time through the program you may focus on a relationship. The third time you may choose to focus on your career and/or business development, etc. The habits that are created during the program will be further amplified, refined and ingrained in your life, so that continual progress will be natural and easy.

If you have anxiety, continue to work with your doctor. We don't cure or treat anxiety, but we do help people recognize triggers and underlying belief patterns that are major contributors to their anxiety. Then, by removing these and replacing them with healthier thought processes, people are less stressed and less held back by their worries.

This program is not going to change your life. That's not our job and that's not something we could even do if we tried. As you embrace the principles taught in this program, this program is going to change you. Then you'll have the clarity, power, and confidence to change your own life. You'll know what your life can be. You'll toss out what you thought was impossible and replace it with your own vision.

The Live Free principles and tools can be applied to anything we want to change or create in our lives.  We use a lot of climbing and adventurous examples to illustrate the principles in bold ways, but we also use examples of applying the Live Free principles in regular day to day challenges.  You will learn to Live Free in big challenges as well as small opportunities for change.